Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Just COOL!!!

This one is just cool. I saw a few pics of one of my closest buddies from high school on facebook and of course I had to use them on my blog. Felicity (my friend) is now in the States and her style is awesome. 

Have to love this look. The messenger bag she is carrying is not so visible but everything else is. Love the shoes. 

There is a 'thing' for floral printed jumpsuits and this one caught my eye. It has a brilliant mix of colours which unfortunately cannot be seen on this photo but you'll just have to take my word for it.


 Hahahahaha!!! Now this I LOVE!!... The shoes being my favourite accessory...

 Have you ever wondered how to rock patterned stockings??... I have. They can be pretty cool when worn correctly... Love the scarf-top combination.